October 28, 2020

National Immigrants Day is a Day for Celebration

Today, October 28, is National Immigrants Day in the United States. National Immigrants Day was first officially recognized in 1987 and celebrates the myriad ways that immigrants have impacted the country. Commemorating the first observance of National Immigrants Day, President Ronald Reagan wrote, “Immigrants have always brought great gifts to their new home on these shores -- the gifts of hardiness and heart, of intellect and hope.”

Throughout the past decade, Sostrin Immigration Lawyers has been lucky to work with so many talented and wonderful immigrants. Every year we celebrate our clients, who have brought their immeasurable gifts to the United States. This year, as immigration laws and discussions have become more tense and contentious, we think it is even more important to recognize the contributions that immigrants have made to American society.

Immigrants have started some of the most recognizable American companies, from Google to Panda Express. In fact, 25 percent of entrepreneurs in the United States are immigrants, while 45 percent of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or by their children. And, since 1901, immigrants have been awarded 35 percent of the Nobel Prizes won by Americans in chemistry, medicine, and physics.

Many sectors of American life depend on immigrants. Many of our healthcare providers are immigrants: 1-in-4 doctors and 1-in-8 registered nurses are immigrants. Immigrants are integral to the food industry, accounting for more than 20 percent of workers who ensure that even during a pandemic we are able to have fresh groceries. And of course, without immigrants, Southern Californians wouldn’t recognize cardboard pink boxes as donut containers—a regional distinction that comes from Cambodian immigrants to California in the 1970s.

In the upcoming U.S. election, a record 1-in-10 eligible voters will be naturalized citizens. Immigrants will therefore play a major role in determining the path forward for America. We are joyful to be able to work with immigrants every day to further enrich this great country and look forward to helping more people work in and immigrate to the United States in the future. Happy National Immigrants Day!